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Věk 52 z Bellville, Texas Online Před 2 týdny

Cougar Hledám A Mladá šelma/Muž

Obecné Řekni nám něco o sobě.
  • Hovořím Angličtina
  • Sebe bych popsal(a) jako If you are reading this. I now weld the power. Haha I have been granted my 15 minutes of DaC fame. I will subdue you with my utmost powers and charms in a few minutes. A little background info must be in order.Im a mature if somewhat clumsy at times but always get back up on my feet again type of woman. I'm in my mid 40's recently divorced but looking forward to be recycled into another great long term partnership again. I have two wonderful kids 12 and 14. They are my them so much. At the moment they come visit me every other weekend. Now for the recreational parts. I love anything outdoors, sports, swimming, tennis, volleyball,and croquet. Then later after i watch others play i may or may not join in. Watching others is more pleasing. You might find me sitting poolside having conversation with the other mom's in the neighborhood or baking cookies for some fundraiser on occasion in the summer. I try to keep involved in my kids school affairs as often as I can. I love to do crafts, build things and knock them down only to build them back again even better. I love reading. Forensics is a speciality that holds my attention along with television shows and movies regarding the same subject. I have recently started weight training and holding myself more focused on a healthy lifestyle. I'm hoping for consistent self motivation to get me where I need to be. I'm also thinking about attending school again. It remains to be seen. However this mom needs more adult time and clearly misses having someone at her side to share affection with. This is why I'm here. I won't state any specific rules or regulations for anyone . I believe living daily with work and responsibilities gives us enough of that. No... I just want someone we can both share together time with and if it leads to more than so be it.
  • Přihlásit Rak
Vzhled a situace Jaká je tvá současná situace? Popiš svůj vzhled.
  • Má postava je Normální
  • Má výška je 1,75 m
  • Barva mých očí Černá
  • Můj původ je Běloch/běloška
  • Můj rodinný stav je Singl
  • Mám děti Ano - se mnou nežijí
  • Mou nejlepší částí je Nohy
  • Barva mých vlasů Černá
Stav Co děláš?
  • Má úroveň vzdělání je Vysokoškolský diplom
  • Jsem kuřák Ne
  • Piji Ne

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