RichmondMisc Profilinformasjon

The Whole Package - And them some!
Cougar Søker A Klubb/Mann
Alder 48 Fra Richmond, Virginia
Pålogget - Over 2 uker siden
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Grunnleggende informasjon

    Jeg kan snakke: Norsk
    Jeg vil beskrive meg selv som: If you can think of it, I'm good at it!

    I have a fierce competitive streak, so I make sure I'm good at everything I do. This ranges from golf to my career to knowing how to please a man.

    I can beat you in a game of 21 on the basketball court in the afternoon, then shower and change and make every man in the room jealous of you wherever we go.

    I'm am extremely successful - I oversee all computer programmers across the country for a large Fortune 500 company. So, yeah....I'm smart too!

    I'm looking for a tall (6'0" and over) man from 25-35 who wants to go out and have fun from time to time. Nothing serious, however, I would consider monogamy if you have what it takes.
    Registrer: Skytten
